It should be as easy as throwing on some shorts and lacing up your shoes and hitting the pavement, right?
Well, hold on.
Let's have an honest conversation about what it's going to cost to start running.
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how much of this do you actually need? |
First and foremost, good shoes. You might think the cute Nikes or Adidas that you run errands in will be good enough for running. And they probably were, a year ago when you first bought them. So please let me give you some good advice for choosing your running shoes. First, make sure they are running shoes. Not cross-trainers. Not walking shoes. Not court shoes. Running shoes, when you look at them from the front, are narrower and the toes lift higher than in other shoes.The unfortunate truth is that there is no real way to test running shoes in a store, and most stores that claim to properly "fit" you-- they still work on commission. So if a $60 shoes fits just right but they are "fitting you" to a $120 shoe, guess what their motivation really is? Be wary. It's hard to tell if a shoe in the store is going to work for you on the street. If anything, you want the shoe to fight more tightly than loosely. The shoe will break in, giving you more room. You want to wear the right socks, you want to move around (yes, I am the girl who goes running to the back of the store and back to make sure the shoes don't shift on me). And after all that, you still may find, after 3 runs, that the shoes give you blisters. Or don't support enough and give you shin splints. I am so sorry but this is just how it is with runners and shoes. When you find the perfect running shoe, just buy several pairs! You can expect to pay $60 at the very least and up to $125 within reason. Consider that you will be putting lots of miles and time in these shoes! Last word on this-- do not use your running shoes for anything else. Not for gym classes, not for running errands. Keep your running shoes just for running!
Second- ladies only-- a good sports bra. Oh.... the trials and tribulations of finding a good sports bra. I have had some so tight they left dents on the tops of my shoulders and some that wiggled so much that I got huge chaffing welts on my ribs and some that fit just right but soaked with sweat all the way through. You've got to keep the movement to a minimum and the cotton bra from Wal-Mart just isn't going to do that for you. I don't know why they are even allowed to make and sell those. Expect to pay a good $40 and up for a good, quality sports bra and realize that this investment is going to prevent back problems, shoulder problems, keep the ta-tas well lifted and supported. If you are buying online, read the reviews! If you are trying it on in the store, do a few jumping jacks in the dressing room!
Third- seamless running clothes. If you are out for any run past 30 minutes, and especially when it's hot out, you'll be rubbing, constantly, against your clothes. Under your armpits and between your legs. You will want to find clothes that have no seams in these areas, and it's not nearly as easy as it sounds. They are washable, so you only need a few pieces, not an entire wardrobe. But believe me, seamless tank tops and shorts will save your from getting rubbed raw-- you don't want to be the girl trying not to let your thighs touch as you walk down the office hallway.
Fourth-- useful miscellaneous-- Sunglasses. Protect your eyes from sun and wind. Get less crow's feet from squinting. Hats-- keeps your hair and the sun and if you're lucky, some sweat, off of your face. Fuel belt-- if you're going for a long run (2 hours) in the countryside, get a Nathan's belt. They fit wonderfully well and hold the canteens tightly and you can fit your iPod, some toilet paper, and at least two Gu packs in there. But don't dishwasher the canteens, they will have this nasty chemical taste that you can NOT get rid of.... Yes, yes I am an expert in what you can fit and how not to take care of your Nathan's fuel belt. Arm warmers-- well, these are just so super cute. But also, you can wear them instead of another long-sleeve layer, and removing them in the middle of a race is much much easier.
Now.... do you need to wait until you have all of these things before you start running? The only one I would say yes to are the shoes. You NEED to have good running shoes. You'll save yourself a lot of pain, soreness, and you'll have a better running form when you aren't trying to modify your pace because of your shoes. The sports bra and the seamless running clothes can wait until you have a good chance to get into a good sporting goods store but don't skimp on these things-- they are well worth it in the long run. I have had good Adidas shorts and tanks that have lasted two years, salted all the way through with sweat and run through the washing machine repeatedly without any problems.
I'm not telling you all these things to scare you into not running unless you have perfect gear, but just to emphasize how important it is to take care of yourself, to invest in yourself and your running goals. These aren't the kind of things you will normally hear unless someone is trying to sell you something, so I just wanted to put it out there so that you gals who have questions about running clothes get some ideas. And remember, you can always ask us for advice or suggestions!
Seamless running clothes was DEFINITELY something that I wish someone had told me about early on. And I've gone through more sports bras than I care to admit. But the best runs are the ones where your mind is completely somewhere else-- not worried about the pain in your shoe or the chaffing under your arms or.... OMG, HOW MANY MILES DO WE HAVE LEFT?! So hopefully you can get properly taken care of and get out there!
See you on the roads, in my bright blue Brooks Launch running shoes-- I'm on my second pair!
Happy Running~
p.s. Although we don't have any PAID endorsements yet, we don't promote one company or brand over the other. In fact, our running gear is a mish-mash of brands. You have to find what you like! It's perfectly okay to show up with an Adidas tank, Nike Shorts, and Brooks shoes. No one is judging you!