Fargo Marathon
Medora 10K
Estes Park Half Marathon
Sherry's Wishes 10K
... we've been busy little runner chicks. And it's summer, which means our runs are full of SUN and WARMTH. Well, that's only just true this week, finally. We've had some pretty lucky cool long runs.
We ran Fargo, Becky just under 4 hours and Jen in 4:13. It was a cool run this year- we lucked out that it didn't warm up on us and it didn't rain on us. Pretty good running conditions. We also saw our dear friend Kathy PR and our friend Glenda finish her first full with a hurt knee! Yikes! The Fargo run is usually a favorite in the area because you've got AMAZING support-- people throw block parties and cheer for you as you run past their house. There are even a few older folks who come out and bang a pan and spoon to motivate you! There are lots of kids wanting high-5s, and usually at least one chicken and one Elvis costume and a few people with their hoses on for you. I mean, what more do you need?
We kept running and Becky even headed to BEAUTIFUL Estes Park for a half marathon, taking lots of gorgeous pictures along the way!
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that's the Stanley Hotel!! Run faster Becky!!! |
And we keep running our local races, supporting local charities and hopefully, encouraging our friends who we meet up with out there! My friend Catherine, who is 52, has JUST been bitten by the running bug and she shows up for the 5Ks now!! Hooray!!
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our road trip to Medora!
Left to right: Jen tied for 3rd, Becky took 2nd, Kathy took 1st- Sherry's Wishes 10K
But here's the thing.
I still love running. I still want and crave those long run days and those short fast days. My heart is in it. My mind is in it.
But somehow, my body isn't?
It's been this way for a little while now and the best advice that I keep getting, and keep ignoring, is that it might be best to take some time off.
A friend who is a physical therapist tried to tell me exactly HOW insane runners are:
A normal person who is hammering, and hits their thumb, pulls their thumb away and stops hitting.
A runner keeps hitting it, trying to hit it harder and faster.
Hmmmm.... he has a point, right?
I just can't fathom actually taking time off.
So, Crazy Running Chicks.... how do YOU schedule running breaks? Do you take time off after big races? Do you give yourself a week of NO running? Do you keep up weekly base miles but take long run days off?
What kind of advice do you have for this Crazy Running Chick who doesn't know how to stop hammering away? :)