This crazy runner chick has officially declared this week "RUN FOR PIE" week. It's going to take off big, I just know it. Namely, because who doesn't love pie?! I like running but I LOVE dessert, amiright?!
pecan pie |
... and because, OMG y'all, my pecan pie is 800 calories
a slice. Now I am not normally that girl that counts calories and worries about every single bite that goes into her mouth. In general, I know I eat right to fuel up for long runs and Zumba and all that blah blah blah. But 800 calories
a slice. And I intend to have a HUGE slice with ice cream!! Then one more little slice before I go to bed. And ttthhhheeeennn one more slice for breakfast Friday morning, because mmmmmm pecan pie and coffee!!
What's your favorite pie? Does your family do pecan pie or pumpkin pie or apple pie for Thanksgiving?
Happy Run for Pie week! ~Jen
Mmmmm pie. My family always has a lot of desserts at Thanksgiving but the type of pie varies and some years there is no pumpkin pie, which personally offends me.