Being a runner has a few badges of honor, and losing a toenail is definitely one of them. I lost my first toenail right before Grandma's marathon. It turned all black first and then finally just fell off. I was very proud.
So, speaking of toenails...I have this terrible genetic trait where my toenails become ingrown. If anyone has had ingrown toenails then you know the terrible nagging pain that these cause. Right before I went to Phoenix in January for the Rock N Roll, I had a temporary fix and had my right big toenail cut out (the ingrown part). It was terrible, horrible, throbbing pain for a few days (this is where the tears fit in) and then felt great for 3 months. Eventually, they grew back in.
With my running wife leaving me for the weekend to go run Rock N Roll San Antonio marathon, I decided to bite the bullet and get my ingrown toenail removed for good....with acid. They do basically the same procedure as before - numb the toe (with a big needle), then cut out the sides, but this time, they shove a huge q-tips dipped in acid in there to kill the root. I was bracing myself for a very painful recovery. The first time I just had them cut out, I woke up in the middle of the night with my toe throbbing. This time, I woke myself up every couple hours wondering why my toe didn't hurt. I felt like I was in bizzaro world. I probably could have ran the very next day, but I took 2 days off just to mentally ponder why it wasn't hurting, but now I'm back to running and life is good!
Good Luck to Jen in San Antonio!! .... miss you....tear :)
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