Monday, January 30, 2012

Long Run Sunday: Poetry in Motion

I present to you a review of our Long Run Sunday... in Haiku form. ~Jen


I woke up early
from dreaming about pancakes
but first, long run day


Feelings about running in the cold

My soul is quite well
my fingertips, toes, and face
however, are numb


Cure for Insomnia

You run stronger, then
you run faster and farther
sleep like a baby



Stretch here and stretch more
eat, drink, hot shower, ice packs
BIIIIIIIIG smile on your face


You are driving a 2,000 pound car. You win.

Hey, scoot over! (please)
LITERALLY no one else
even on these roads



No music today
except the constant chatter
and laughter of friends


Doing the hard thing

Talked about hard things
commitment, trust, marriage, friends
(don't mention running)


Dusty country road
high hills, high winds, lots of sweat
Finish strong- pancakes

Hey, you're on the "Crazy" running chicks blog. We never promised to think so highly of ourselves that we can't be silly. If you can't have all kinds of crazy fun when you're out on a long run day, why the HECK are you doing it?

True story: you can't trust Jen to do mileage math. Becky goes, "So what do you think, three more minutes on this road and then turn back?" Jen says,  "Well, we're on 107th so if we just finish this out, and turn left to 110th, that's just three miles. Right?"

But Becky and Kathy and I fail to mention that turning OFF of 107th is still another 2 miles head.... and 2 miles BACK from that! So essentially, we ended up doing one looooong square that ended up being, oh, half a marathon. :)

Fortunately, my friends love me anyway and didn't beat me up too badly when our Garmins hit the 11 mile mark and we were still about 2 miles from my house.

Happy Running my friends!

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