No one starts running 5 miles, 7 min/mile pace their first day. (Hell, I don't even run that fast.) But you have to start somewhere. Put one foot in front of the other, and go a little faster and a little further each time.
But as soon as I encourage these women to start running if they so desire, you know what happens, right?
"Oh, I don't have time."
"Oh, I don't know anything about that."
"Oh, I should find someone to run with."
"Oh, I should get in shape first."
Is it me, or is this LIFE in general? There's always something, just out of reach, that you want, but you make so many more reasons to NOT go for it, afraid you won't reach it, afraid you'll fail, afraid you'll look silly. The sad thing is, no one else is holding you back. Only YOU are doing this to yourself.
So on the one hand, maybe these ladies are just making polite conversation with me? And I should just change the subject?
Or on the other hand, maybe some of us really do have fears about trying something that's not easy and way out of our comfort zone.
Well, I want to address a few of those fears, hopefully to encourage you to move past them already!
1-- You fear that it's going to hurt.
Well, it's not going to be comfortable at first. You're going to have to adjust your breathing, watch your posture, you might get side aches, your hamstrings might be tight the next day.... all of which you will be able to live through!!! And these things not only subside within a few moments, but will start to completely disappear as you get stronger. Because when you get stronger and stronger, there is no room for that weakness anymore.
2-- You don't know how to make time for it.
Look, the first thing I ask people is-- what are some of your favorite TV shows. (Then you try to tell me that you don't watch that much TV but I see your Facebook statuses when you're pulling for your favorite American Idol! I know the truth, people!) .... So, what are some of your favorite TV shows? If you're watching some of these reality shows where people are GOING FOR THEIR DREAMS..... I am going to ask you to turn off the TV and go for your dreams, too! Or at least find a treadmill in front of the TV if that's what it takes.... I mean, do you see American Idols or Dancing Stars sitting around watching TV or do you see them practicing, rehearsing, drilling.... if you really love watching a happy ending, then go out and create your own! Won't that feel even better????
Also, weekends. I know everyone gets busy on the weekends, but you and I know you sleep in a little bit, right? Well, while you're sleeping in on Sunday morning, that's when I'm out running. You can do it too. Make it a choice. Make it the choice that changes you for the better!
Josh, my husband, has an aunt who likes to tell me all the time that "she would be a runner too, if she had the time for it." Like somehow, being busy is being better? But for the record, as long as I've known her, she can tell you what happened on Dr Phil, Oprah, Dr. Oz, the Doctors.... so it's not a matter of having time, it's a matter of making a choice.
My friend Glenda takes lunch breaks to hit 3 miles. Let's say you have an hour break for lunch. Surely that's enough time to squeeze in 20-30 minutes of running, freshen up, and still grab a sandwich and yogurt....
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This is the truth. |
3-- I should get in shape first.
Yes, people actually tell me they need to lose a few pounds before they start running. Okay, if you are quite overweight, yes, carrying that extra weight while running will hurt your knees and your back. But most of you women are not severely obese and if you were, bear in mind that running can burn 10 calories a MINUTE. Start walking fast. Then Start jogging. As the pounds melt and your heart and lungs get stronger, you will be ready to run before you know it!
4-- I should find someone to run with.
Why? I mean, no one is going to carry you. Why would you invest your goals and your dreams in someone else's motivation? If you wanted a new car, would you wait for your friend to get a matching one? So if you want a race t-shirt, a status update that says "just finished my first 10K" or even a new, lean, runner's body... why would you depend on someone else? and if you really, REALLY need a running buddy, you can always post on our facebook page. There's almost always someone else wanting to schedule a run too.
5-- But I'm not that fast. I can't run that far.
You don't have to be fast, and your running goal is not the same as my running goal. You just have to go. Look, people are, for some reason, intimidated by me and Becky sometimes. They assume, for some reason, that we are, like SERIOUS athletes. Ha ha HA!!!! You guys, we always say we only run as fast as we can talk. Meaning, if we are huffing and puffing, it's time to slow it down. Yes, some days we have a light tail wind and can pull sub-9 min miles. Yes, on speed days we can run really really fast, but only for a little bit. Some days I've not eaten properly and slow us down to about 10 minute miles. Some days we run, walk, stop and pee, run, stretch, run a little more.... you get the picture. Yeah, we just keep running and keep running, but we started at mile one. EVERYONE starts at mile one. You are the ONLY person judging your run. And runners like me and Becky, yes we are proud and excited when we hit our goals, but we are genuinely amazed and proud when you hit yours too. Because we KNOW it's not an easy thing to do!! You don't have to be super fast, but you just have to go!! We are cheering for you!!
6-- I am afraid people will be watching me.
First of all, if they are watching you, that means that they are sitting/standing still. ahem.
Second of all, they ARE watching because runners are AWESOME!!!
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you're doing awesome! Keep running!! |
Finally, if you're still with me here.... we do recommend the Couch to 5K program. Not a paid endorsement here, but everyone who has used it has loved it. My MOM is on week 4 of this program!
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mom is doing C25K for the second time! |
Happy Running. No really, get started!!! ~Jen
Absolutely Agree!! You have to make time for your dreams to come true!!! A true athlete figures out how to organize their day to include their workout with the other daily demands of life!!
ReplyDeleteI think anyone with a serious goal figures out how to organize their time to make it happen. If it's important enough, we find a way to do it! And it's always WORTH it! No one looks back on their life and goes "Hey, remember that night we sat around watching Modern Family? Oh my gosh, that was amazing." I hope others will get up and go for it, whether they have a goal to run or a goal to accomplish something equally crazy and fun and wonderful!