Thursday, February 9, 2012

Running to Remember

Saturday February 11, 2012 I will be taking part in the Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold. It will be at 9:00 am MDT, and people all around the nation will be running in honor of this very special woman. Sherry was abducted while running and it has really created an uneasy feeling with everyone around our area. The Oil Boom is in full swing and there are thousands of new people in this area and no one really feels safe anymore.

A co-worker asked me why we would be running in honor of Sherry if that's how she died. I had to think about that for a little bit, and I guess I knew what he meant by it, but I think that running is the perfect way to honor her. Just because this tragic loss happened while she was running, doesn't mean that anyone needs to STOP running. Just 2 weeks before Sherry died, she was almost hit by a truck ..but that didn't make her hang her shoes up. I never knew Sherry, but hearing that story made me realize how important running was to her.

Running gives you freedom. Don't let this tragic accident take that away from you. I hear so often now about how we shouldn't run at this time or that time. I'm not allowed on certain roads, only run with a friend, etc. and YES we all need to be aware and cautious of our surroundings, but that doesn't mean we have to stop doing what we love. I hope that lots of people get out there and run Saturday. Enjoy that time and remember Sherry and all that she stood for. She was a wife, a mother, a teacher, and a runner...probably much like most of us.

Information can be found at for the Virtual Run in honor of Sherry

Happy Running  ~Becky

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