Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The 2 sole reasons for obesity in America is fastfood and pop. Seriously people, what's wrong with water? If one person can tell me one health benefit to drinking pop, I might not feel so strongly about this....but no one can. Beer and wine are even better for you than pop (in moderation folks).

I have been having this dilemma at work. I am on the Wellness Committee which promotes healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle. I send out random e-mails to inspire people to take care of their mind, body, and souls. The thing is- no one cares. Our whole employee fridge is filled with pop, chips, and candy bars. Seriously, no one should wonder why they are overweight and unhealthy when that's what they snack on all day. I really wish people would take better care of themselves. It's not that hard.

So please someone -put the Mountain Dew down, and have a glass of water -for me, for your kids, for your teeth.
.............And I'm off my soap box!