Friday, August 10, 2012

What it means to be a Crazy Running Chick, summer edition

10-- it's perfectly acceptable for your friends to knock on your door at 5:55 A.M. on a Sunday morning

9- you go through 2 or 3 whole bottles/cans of spray on sunscreen and you still have racerback tan lines

8- you invest in those thermal lunch boxes so you can plant ice water bottles along your run route

7- you have one of these and make GOOD use of it

6- you meet older runners and you are actually a little jealous of them!

5- your post-race refuel is a slushie

4- you're dedicated to dusty roads and open fields and endless blue skies

3- your summer wardrobe consists of running shorts and race t-shirts

2- your friends know not to invite you out on the weekends because your social life involves showing up for Saturday morning 5Ks and 10Ks or going out for long runs with your friends on Sundays

1- you continue to support and encourage all your other favorite Crazy Running Chicks, maybe even recruiting a few of your friends!